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- EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
- HAP = Hazardous Air Pollutant
- NOx = Oxides of nitrogen
- SO2 = Sulfur dioxide
- PM = Particulate matter
- PM10 = fine particulate matter, particles 10 micrometers and smaller
- PM2.5 = fine particulate matter, particles 2.5 micrometers and smaller
- VOC = Volatile organic compounds
- CO2 = Carbon dioxide
- CH4 = methane
- N2O = Nitrous oxide
- NESHAP = National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
- NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standards
- AAQS = Ambient Air Quality Standards
- PAE = Potential actual emissions
- BAE = Baseline actual emissions
- ER = Emission rate
- CEMS = Continuous emission monitoring system
- CAM = Compliance Assurance Monitoring
- TVOP = Title V Operating Permit
- O3 = Ozone
- CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
- PSD = Prevention of Significant Deterioration
- NSR = New Source Review
- GHG = Greenhouse gas
- GHG MRR = Greenhouse gas mandatory reporting rule
- tpy = tons/year
- lb/hr = pounds per hour
- BACT = Best Available Control Technology
- RACT = Reasonably Available Control Technology
- LAER = Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
- ESG = Environmental, Social, and Governance
- ppm = parts per million
- ppmv = parts per million, by volume